Time Management Tips

Get to know various time management tips by some of the most renowned professionals.

If you think that the world will be fair with you because you are fair. You expect from a lion that it would not eat you because you don’t eat it. The attitude in toughest circumstances:-

Sometimes you expect that you do everything well to others while they do not treat you as fairly as required. In life, you see certain persons who can never change and cause stress to you because they are inevitably around you.

These persons may be your boss, colleagues, your neighbors, your mother-in-law, sister in law, etc. And you cannot disassociate yourselves with them in any manner. You expect that you treat them fairly but they do not behave well with you.

Then develop the following things in you:-

  • Have zero expectation that they will do something good to you.
  • Overlook their mistakes, blunders even. But be always cautious that they may not be able to destroy your work in any manner.
  • Be calm and focused on your work.
  • Make such people realize with your working attitude that you are capable instead of wasting time by giving explanations and clarifications unnecessarily. Because they are tough persons and won’t change.
  • Focus on your targets, do your work diligently without arguments.
  • Stay calm and do work.
  • Do not waste energy fighting over trifle issues. Time is precious, will not come again, do not give your driving seat to others while driving car of your life. Take charge of it, do practically.
  • But all these things are applicable in handling tough persons and not well-wishers. You better differentiate between both kinds.
  • Human life is a gift of God; do not blame yourself or your destiny because you are surrounded by such people. These are the thorns in your life which will make your life as beautiful as a rose.  Accept such people because they sharp your intellect that in order to get rid of such persons’ comments you do better, you learn more things.  These are the persons’ God has chosen for you to be around you because He thought such people would make your journey speedier than you were doing.
  • Be thankful to god that made you in the company of such thorny people else you were sitting idly.
  • Let us accept these people tactfully with a composed mind and equanimity. And do progress.
  • Unless otherwise, you are confident that change of office, place of residence may make a difference, you should not leave the previous site.
  • If you think that unnecessary interference is so disturbing then you can talk to your authorities if you think they can be helpful, otherwise, do not waste time convincing others who do not want to understand that you are a capable and efficient person.
  • Let them abuse you but you should feel that every abuse is changing into a blessing and enjoy life.
  • If you are positive in attitude then things will certainly change and be in favor of you.
  • But again do not wait for that time to come, just do your work adroitly. All the best.

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