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How to Add Google Adsense to Blogspot to Make Money

Let’s learn How to Add Google Adsense to Blogspot to Make Money

Google Adsense is currently the most expensive and high-quality ad buyer that Website and Blog users aim to sell. Like many of you who want to make money online through this advertising channel, Blogspot as well as Youtube is a baby of Google. And it’s understandable that Google gives priority to having an acc hosted only for Blogspot and Youtube. In this article, We will guide you how to place the ad code for Blogger in many different places in the Blog. One note is that the Blogspot you have changed the domain name, the Hosted acc cannot display the ads. Hosted is only used for Youtube and only.
Need to see more: The best way to seo blogspot

How to Add Google Adsense to Blogspot,
How to Add Google Adsense to Blogspot to Make Money

How To Place Google Adsense Ads For Blogspot

  1. Set using Widget

This way is quite simple when you just need to do 1 of 2 options:

  • Add an HTML widget and paste the ad code in. If you are not familiar with Blogger layout, see the article familiarize yourself with Blogger layout to better understand this additional issue.
  • Add directly the Google Adsense widget available in the Blog’s layout.
  1. Put the code by pasting the ad code directly into the Blogger template

This is extremely convenient when you can customize to place it in many different locations of the Blog. For example, because you want to target users Click to promote nature and more, you should put it right in the content of the post. For example, see the article: This Online Photo Collage I have inserted in the left position of the content and the bottom of the content, these two positions are highly appreciated in terms of effectiveness.

  • Position # 1 :
    Can customize the ads on the left or right of the Website content.
  • Position # 2 :
    This position should be kept because of its beauty and efficiency.
    For this position you put 2 on Blogspot by following
    Step 1: On the Blogger dashboard -> Template (Template) -> Edit HTML (HTML Edit)
    Step 2: ( Ctrl + F ) Find next
    Note: There are about 5 sizes of , choose the one in the place where the note is located . My template is at position 4


Another note is that if you use the original Google Adsense code given when you paste it into the template, you will get an error saying: Attribute name “async” associated with an element type “script” must be followed by the ‘ = ‘ character. The solution is to add =”async” to the Script declaration of that Adsense code. Specifically

Tag : Blogspot Tips, How to Add Google Adsense Ads to Blogspot to Make Money, how to add Google Adsense to blogger, how to add AdSense to blogger, how to add google adsense to blogger, how to add adsense to blogger,how to add ads to your wordpress blog, can i monetize my free wordpress blog,

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