Among the online pictures of the modern wedding bands, get to know Latest Trends in Modern Wedding Rings, one finds what can best be described as a band sandwich. Dark indentations circle the band, dividing it into three sections.
Sometimes the tone of the metal in one section differs from the tone of the metal in the adjoining sections. The center section can look like the filling in a sandwich.

Modern Wedding Rings Are So Popular…

Not all of modern wedding bands have a smooth, round surface. One wedding band in the online pictures has been given an octagonal shape. A second wedding band displays a metal surface that has been carved at points into unique shapes.
In addition to offering the option of multiple tones, the merchants who sell modern-day wedding bands also display bands with multiple textures. At times, embedded diamonds help to create at least one of the different textures in the wedding band. At other times, diamonds link together in a single band, forming an exquisite show of varied shapes.
Wood grain patterns have become a frequent fixture among modern wedding bands. In some cases, those patterns have been etched into white gold or silver. In other cases, the wood grain patterns have been created by using a technique called mokume gane.
The pattern created by using mokume gane makes a striking contrast to red gold. Some mens wedding bands made today contain red gold, rather than the traditional white or yellow gold. What is the mokume gane technique?
In ancient Japan the crafters of swords sought a way to make their swords more distinctive. They developed a way to fuse and shape metal, so as to create beautiful patterns. The swords made by those Japanese craftsmen allowed the men carrying the swords to attract the eye of onlookers.
The technique developed by those Japanese sword makers came to be called mokume gane. In Japanese, moku means wood; me means eye; and gane means metal. The metal sword handle appealed to the eye, because it resembled wood.
When crafters of modern wedding bands utilize the mokume gane technique, they start with laminated metal. Using heat and pressure, they fuse together laminated metal with different tones. The fused metal becomes what is called a billet. The billet is rolled and carved by the crafter of the wedding band.
While the ancient Japanese had access to a limited number of metals, the makers of present-day wedding bands use dozens of metal layers, when they make a billet. They fuse together platinum, gold, palladium, silver, iron, steel, titanium and tungsten carbide for the ring.
The use of tungsten carbide in rings introduces black into the wedding ceremony. Few residents of westernized countries associate black with weddings. Perhaps our shrinking world has put an end to the superstitious western belief that the color black shouldn’t be seen at a ceremony where wedding bands will be exchanged.
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mens wedding rings, tungsten rings, wedding bands for women,