Custom Digital Portrait – Do Your Folks Photos Display Personality?
The difference between another album filler and a real photo is often determined by the personality that the picture conveys. There are so many blase’ pictures wasting space in albums and stored on cameras it is mind boggling. Within a spur of the moment of thinking before pushing the shutter, a photo can be made to reveal your subject’s personality, by this way, conveying an interesting or even exciting message to the audience or viewer.
Custom Digital Portrait
Think about those pictures that just seem to stand out among all the rest. You may have been totally unaware that the photo would be outstanding, but because you unwittingly captured a bit of your subject’s nature in the snapshot, it became a revealing portrait of the person. As you browse through albums-either your own or those of your friends- pay special attention to those that grab your attention. What is it about the subject…what they are doing, their setting, or the props, that causes their uniqueness to shine through.
Custom Digital Portrait
For instance, your child is a package of personality traits that makes him or her unique. You would like for your friends to see what you see when you look at your child. How many times have you shown your billfold snaps to a friend, and sensed that they simply gave the expected but unenthusiastic praise…”he’s cute”, or “she’s beautiful”
Custom Digital Portrait
If your child has personality traits that you find unique or endearing, remember what the child is doing when those traits are best revealed, then simply re-enact the scene with the proper props and let your child exhibit the accompanying personality. Your resulting photo will be much more exciting. Of course it is even better to catch the moment candidly if possible, but often there is too much going on at the time and the moment passes before you can grab a camera.
Custom Digital Portrait
This applies to photos of people of all ages. If you can’t catch your subject in a candid situation that reveals their personality, set up a situation with props that best displays his or her personality. Quite often, when your subject is placed in the proper setting or environment they will naturally react by lighting up and displaying that sparkle and glow you want to capture.

Remember, nothing steals the personality of your subject like a forced pose in a sterile setting. Do not just take pictures – create photographs instead.