
Disclaimer About Articles | लेखों के बारे में अस्वीकरण

Disclaimer :
On behalf of All sorts of Astrologers Numerologists Vastu Shastra Consultants
Even if written in the articles, the services are NOT free and all services are chargeable according to the availability of the Astrologer Numerologist, Vastu Consultant Tarot Reader. Service Providers has the right to offer any services free according to their own will.

For example they may choose to offer free services to disable persons etc.
The article only is to mention their services .

All services offered are subject to the choice and will of the astrologer,
numerologist, vastu consultant and tarot reader.

The decision to charge any fee from anybody is entirely their
selection criteria.

We disclaim any responsibility for mentioned services’ their fee structure, and after effects.

We request you to use your own wisdom before making any decision whether you like
to get any consultancy or not.
The word “Free” used in any of the article is by error and is a typo mistake.
Fee to be charges entirely depends upon the sole discretion of Astrologer, Numerologist, Tarot Reader or Vastu Consultant or their Manager.
*Terms & Conditions Applied